Anti-lock braking for motorcycles

What are they?

Anti-lock braking systems are in-vehicle devices which aim to prevent the locking of wheels during braking when under emergency conditions, so preventing the motorcyclist from falling off their vehicles.


A German study indicated that of a total of 610 motorcycle-car impacts, 65% occurred with motorcycle braking prior to the collision. Among these there were 19% where the motorcyclist fell off his or her vehicle [58].


Casualty reduction effect?

The information of ABS is prospective only and the effectiveness of systems in reducing casualties has still to be demonstrated. A German study concludes that in 93% of cases where the motorcyclist fell of the vehicles, ABS would have avoided the crash or at least reduced the severity of the accident. This finally gives an estimate of reducing all fatal and severe injuries to motorcycle drivers by 8 to 10% in Germany [58]. Another prospective estimate also suggests that ABS might reduce the number of crash victims by at least 10% [44].


Typically, these systems are available on more expensive models of motorcycle. In 2006, 27% of models available in Europe were standard or optionally equipped with an advanced braking system. The ACEM’s (Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles) has made a commitment to fit ABS to all new models. On the basis of prospective information to date, benefits to costs associated with ABS have been forecast for Austria at between 1.11:1 and 1.39:1 [58].


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